Sunday, June 12, 2011

Showing the world

Why it was important for me to be baptized!

It is the order of things. An out word expression that I will submerge all of me in God and his plan for me and the life that he has given me holding nothing back. PUBLICLY 

I became a christine when I was 12. The first words that I herd from my father was I tried that and it does not work. Looking back this was when the spiritual battle became visual and I was unprepared. 

The assault picked up a 100 fold. Satan would gladly loose my soul for eternity and make me ineffective for the Kingdom of God.  If he would make me ineffective then what kind of message would that bring? This is what the battle became about. How would I loose my heart. Would I loose it to the heaviness and pain. The feeling of hopelessness and the experience of loss and shame.  The experience of betrayal by one that God says to trust. 

Or would I give it away, give it to God to work in me a desire that had been tarnished and a love that cannot be quenched. The ability to wild a sword and fight with the power that Jesus him self has. And to love deeper and to live life and find the Joy and peace that comes only from Jesus. This would do far greater damage to the king of sin Satan. 

So today and every day after I say yes God. I want to trust like you, I want to love like you. I want the world to see that I want my life to be like you. That there is nothing that I will with hold from God, not my will, not my money, not my pain, not my desire, not my sin, not my anger, not my love, not my life. 

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