Monday, July 11, 2011



I have a tattoo, facebook, twitter account and even a blog! The moments to get away without the feeling of neglecting a friend is nerve racking. I long for the time where my flightiness becomes grounded! It is the weight of the Holy Spirit in my life that brings movement in a direction towards advancing the Kingdom. 
I live in an apartment but wish for an herb garden, vegi garden even to grow a my own meet! But the reality of that right now is slim. The bigger desire behind the life of simplicity that I long for is the stillness of my heart, a simple time and simple task. Time to walk in fields of wild flowers talking out load to my Lover, Father, Friend, Lord and Saviour. 
I was in the super market with my husband to have a conversation of great importance. We left the house to escape our children and discovered that there was no where we could talk with out the whole store coming to our isle. We moved from one isle to the next and found our selves in an a place we normally would have never been in. It was for there benefit that we left because I was becoming more and more irritated. 
The search for the place of peace is so over ran by the forces of Evil. For it is in times of complete peace that we began to hear, and began to know God. For is it greater that we know him then anything else in the world. Be still and know that I am God. I have found myself stressing about circumstances, about purpose, and life that I began to fill my mind with things that drowned out the noise instead of quieting my heart. I know you can relate to being in the third party to an argument and with out warning you snap and become more demanding and loader then the other two and to get you to shut up everyone walks away! What about instead of calling the bill collector you turn on your TV. For me when I am stressed I drive a little faster then I should. Day in and day out we live in a world where in the morning there is not peace and the peak of the heat of the day we are mad men and women, who behave like modernized cave dweller.  None of it screams Godly or Holy.
Getting back to a place of solace and peace that even during the circumstance that real out of control knowing that God is God over and under all of it and that being still is better then ramming your cart into the person who is invading your space, or cutting someone off in traffic, or yelling loader than anyone else. How different we would all be if we were still in our heart to hear what God is saying? What do you think God would be saying to you? What would you be saying to him?  

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