Day 2 of Jordan:

I awoke again to the call to prayer. I felt that to pray during that time to proclaim my allegiance to God was really important. I felt this urgency and warning of battle. We met as a group after breakfast and Kelly came up stairs and had our time with the Lord where we were able as a team to listen on her behalf of who she is and how God sees her. It was beautiful to watch how God began to encourage Kelly with words of affirmation and blessing. After lunch we went as a group to pray for Syria. It was interesting, we were coming into a team that was on the last day of interactive prayer together. There we participated and it pulled at the comfortably of our team, and began to cause us to be extraverted in our pursuit of prayer. We moved into a time of warfare and it was there that God confirmed in through strangers things he was wanting me to pray out loud. I began to take a set in watching how God was moving in and through our team.
From there we went and saw a castle that was build during the crusades. Just the location made me feel as though God was calling me to physically walk in who I am not just a picture or understanding. That we are His children and He is God and so therefore we not address him in brokeness, but in freedom. It was as though my heart was taken to flight.
It was that night that we got the news that two members of the Olive Branch had been admitted into the hospital with extensive injuries. What little we knew we began to pray. Yet I felt that we need to be praying with authority and conviction and that we needed to pray for the fathers. I have never felt this before but I felt the power of the Holy Spirit pumping through my arms and hands as I prayed for the hearts of the fathers to break and turn to you. I saw a picture that confirmed Bill and Jeremy that people needed to lay hands on these men. Matt and his friend went and prayed over them. While our team interceded . We felt that we needed to pray till we were released to go to bed. So Patty George and Susan prayed for the next hour till Matt called and released them to stop.
This was a powerful picture of the positions that God had in mind for us on this trip. Yet I began to notice a spirit of fog and in me impatient spirit. I was to exhausted to go into that night so I decided to address this with the call to prayer the next morning.
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