Sunday, October 25, 2015

Perfectly Paisley

Perfectly Paisley part 3

We had to wait till Paisley was 4 1/2 years old before she could speak. I sometimes felt for sure that we would never hear the sound of her beautiful voice. It was almost 3 years ago to the date that Paisley and I would have our first form of communication. To this very day it brings such great emotion. If you ever wondered if you'd here you child say I love you, or I want a drink to as simple as yes and no then this might be a little silly, but for this family and most for families with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it a very real reality and heart breaking longing that for far to many go un-grieved.

Edward, Amber, Paisley and Myself attended family fall festival at a new church we were attending. Amber, Edward and myself were changing shifts serving both the community and by taking care of our Paisley. It was difficult, and that would be an understatement. While Paisley's mood was tolerable we were having to take her off the performing concert stage which happened to be her favorite place to be. She wouldn't interact with anyone and when there was to many people around her she would met down, into pulling her hair, biting her arms till they bleed, and blood curdling screaming that seemed to last for hours. It was best that I take her home. I knew she was exhausted, after all I was stretched beyond reset button so I knew she must.
I plucked her cuteness into her car seat strapped her in so tight, trying to apply pressure everywhere to calm her down. After about 15 minuets she began to calm. I got into the car and began the drive home. The car was quite warm and you could barely hear the humming of the engine. I adjusted my review mirror so I could see paisley, and I said " Paisley do you want to take a bath?" and there was silence........ for about 5 minuets, then paisley replied "no", I felt my heart jump so I said "Paisley do you want to go to sleep?" and again there was complete silence and it seemed to just drag on and on and on, I was just  beginning to agree in my heart that she really was not talking to me and that she just said no when Paisley reply "yes!"   and it accrued to me that we had just had our first conversation. Though it was simple as a yes in no response my heart was leaping for joy! I tucked that sweet angle in next to me and I held her the rest of the evening.

By this time we were well into our was of being that family that celebrated every achievement wither great or small with cheering and extravagant love. Thank night God was letting me on a secret. Conversation happens at his pace and the success of that with Paisley will take time and believe me if this could be measured in monetary  sums in my opinion it was work millions and I had just won the lottery, the lottery of communication.

This was the platform where speaking with paisley would begin!
In the following year we began to decode paisley language for different meanings by unraveling our Perfectly Paisley

Snuggle = rub my armpit lightly till I fall asleep and at 7 it still means the same thing.
Aaah = Protest of what ever is happening
Poke = I have a rough potion on my finger nail and it still is that way.
Shock = means sore throat and it's used now for anything that is bothering her in the mouth or throat.
Vada = Chocking

And as she has grown they have expanded, but rarely were any of these used in a manner that made sense, but that didn't matter to us.
Don't smell the butt it's a rude
It's dangerous to fly a bike to the hokey pokey
Don't hit the friend be kindness
Hey we are professionals
Mom do you need Jesus coffee
Yes that right awh ha
Think about it if it's smart
Don't poop on the dog
It's not good to cut your finger
The eye is not for pulling on
Bad breath is not good it's bad
Don't touch the butt
Grace is amazing
Don't say shut up say shoot and it's not nice to flick the squishy arms.
Tink we are almost to the boarder
Blooding is not fun
If it doesn't work it's broken and needs to charge
Huot's not happy honey with the light off
Just look at the sky it's there
The sun makes pepper in the eye

Remember to Listen slowly, follow carefully, strive to understand every mood expression sound and grab every moment being a mom and dad has to offer.

Perfectly Paisley part 4 to come.

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